Required Inspections

The following information contains a copy of information provided in the official community rules. If there are any discrepancies between the two, the official community rules are the source of truth.

Starting in 2024, fireplaces which burn combustible material (e.g. wood or gas) must be inspected by a licensed fireplace inspector at each owner’s expense every three years.

Additionally, dryer vents must be cleaned by a licensed professional once every three years. This is for the safety of the entire community and is not optional. The HOA will identify a cleaner for all units, as this will help organize the effort, reduce costs, and ensure specific criteria are verified. Cleaning costs will be covered by the HOA.

This is for the safety of the entire community.

Each owner may individually avoid fireplace inspection costs by replacing their fireplace with an alcove or electric appliance (or other replacement as approved by the Board), and permanently disabling the gas line. All replacements are at the owner’s expense and must be approved through the standard Architectural Change Request process. Promising not to use the fireplace is insufficient to avoid inspection (new residents could use it). Merely walling up the fireplace is insufficient to avoid inspection (a future owner could reopen it). The HOA will keep a record of units with replaced fireplaces.

To submit you unit for consideration as not needing inspection, please fill out

Residents are encouraged to professionally clean their dryer vents more frequently, especially if they have heavier use, pets, or are experiencing noticeably longer drying times. Not only does this improve safety, but it improves dryer efficiency.