CDPHOA Special Assessment Roof Ballot Status and Special Roof Material Selection Meeting 4 1 2021 (6:30 PM)

Dear Members:

Please note the following activities at the community.


RE: Roof Materials Section Meeting – General Roof Meeting – It was noted that a member meeting has been schedule for April 1st, 2021 starting at 6:30 PM to determine the specification / materials that the Association will be selected for the roof replacement. Due to Covid our meetings are via WebEx. Please join by computer:

Join by Phone:
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 126 780 8702 password: 86395279

RE: Special Assessment Ballot – The Special Assessment ballots (Proposed $6,600.00) for funding the roof replacement throughout the community are being tallied by Liberty Election Services – Deanna Libert. The process was presented on screen for all to view the process and tallying. The result was that the Association members voted the following certification below.

Due: January 31, 2022

Special Assessment Ballot Tallying Certification Statement:

1. The undersigned, having been duly appointed as the Inspector of Elections for the Annual Meeting of Camino del Prado Homeowners Association (the “Association”), held March 25, 2021 (the “Meeting”), does hereby report as follows:

2. I, Deanna M. Libert, was appointed as an independent third party, as defined by Civil Code §5110, by the Board in the tabulation and counting of ballots.

3. I personally inspected the list of Members of the Association provided to me by its Board of Directors and verified that ballots were sent to each Member at the address of record with the Association. All members of the Association were entitled to vote the prepared ballot.

4. On March 24, 2021, at 10:00 am, the polls were closed. At that time, I had received fifty-eight (58) ballots. Eight (8) ballots were late or unsigned. No proxies had been received. Fifty (50) ballots would be opened. The ballots had remained in my possession since receipt by mail or delivery in person. I verified each Member’s information and signature on the outer envelope prior to the Meeting.

5. On March 25, 2021 at 7:30 pm, I was present at the Annual Meeting of the Association and the ballots delivered to my office by the close of the polls or in person. The meeting was held via virtual/telephone conference due to COVID-19 shelter in place restrictions. The required quorum was more than fifty percent (50%) of the Owners or forty-five (45) ballots. A quorum of Members was present in ballots and physically in person at the Meeting.

6. At the Meeting, I asked the Members present if any had challenges or questions regarding the right to vote. There were none.

7. Election Results:
a. Yes (in Favor) 39 votes
b. No (not in Favor) 7 votes
c. 4 each ballots were invalid

8. The above results of the ballot were reported to the Board at the Meeting. The approval of Owners, constituting a quorum, casting a majority of the votes at the meeting or election is needed for the special assessment to be approved. The special assessment PASSED.

I certify the foregoing Report is true and accurate. Executed March 25, 2021.