Cold? Try the hot tub!

We keep the hot tub at around 101°F! The heat is on 1pm to 10pm (note: it usually takes an hour or two to get up to temperature).
Reserve your time up to 5 days in advance on (and be sure to fill out the Terms of Use Form at least once). The better we can gauge usage, the better we can make decisions about when to keep the heat on.
Please remember to sanitize high tough surfaces with the provided sanitizer and sponge before and after use, and respect quiet hours.

Roof Financing Vote

Soon all homeowners will receive a letter in the mail asking you to vote on how to fund our upcoming roof replacement. It is very important that you fill out and return your ballot on this topic so that the Board can properly plan for this upcoming project.

By 2023 we need to begin replacing our roofs. Our current roofs are old and leaking more and more every year, and they are made of a material that costs extra to insure. The HOA reserve study estimates $859,500 to replacing the roofs and we have been saving up so we can afford in the next few years. Unfortunately, we recently received a new estimate at $1,435,560. That’s a $576,060 difference.

The Board would prefer to tackle this as a special assessment of $6600/unit because that allows us to keep the regular dues low. (Members should still expect an annual dues increase of 5-10% in order to keep up with rising costs as our homes get older and the area gets more expensive.)

In order to give everyone ample time to prepare, this special assessment would be due January 31st, 2022.

However, if a special assessment is not approved by the membership then HOA dues can also be increased by 20% each year to make up the deficiency in funds. (This could mean $522/mo in 2021, $626/mo in 2022, $751/mo in 2023, $902/mo in 2024).

If you have any questions, please join a Board meeting online or by phone, or email We need to hear the votes of as many people as possible on this topic.

Winter Spa Trial – Make sure to book your usage!

If you enjoy using the spa in colder months, we need your help! Be sure to book your November usage: (and be sure to fill out the Terms of Use Form at least once).

In the past, we have turned off the spa heat staring in December. Starting November 1st, we will be running a trial with a new schedule where we turn on the spa heating on from 1pm to 10pm. If we see enough usage in the reservation system, we will continue this trial further into the winter. (Keep in mind too that it takes a few hours for the spa to heat up and cool down again.)

Some members have wanted to be able to use the spa year round, and I have been looking into how we could do this. This idea has been discussed in the past, but there has always been some mystery as to how much this would cost the HOA. I have been analyzing our past energy bills and I believe I’ve figured out the rough costs of heating the spa. Additionally, the new reservation system gives me data that shows that the pool and spa are rarely used in the morning. By saving money in the spring/summer/fall by heating only during times the pool and spa are used, we can keep our budget level even if we heat the spa during the winter. For those curious, it only costs about 67¢ per hour to heat the spa during the winter (we already have to pay to keep the spa chemicals balanced during the winter, whether it is heated or not).

If you have other thoughts or questions about this trial, please don’t hesitate to ask via

Fire Safety Reminder

As a reminder, for your safety and the safety of the entire community:

  • Do not use your fireplace.
  • Make sure you have smoke detectors throughout your house, with fresh batteries. Each home should also have carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Every home should have a fire extinguisher, and regularly have it inspected.

Mushroom Watch

One of our residents is an amateur mycologist and found what is they believe is a lepiota subincarnata, a toxic mushroom, on the Southern end of Sage Hen Way. They got rid of it and started killing the underlying mycelium, but as mycelium can sometimes spread underground and mushroom diffuse through spores they thought it might be worthwhile warning neighbors with children or pets.

The finder has also contacted the San Francisco Mycological Society in hopes of confirming the species of mushroom.

Our thanks to our eagle-eyed resident!

Board Meeting December 19th, 2019 at 6:30 PM

Club Room





– Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
– Actions and Approvals Taken by the Board of Directors without a Meeting

– Bank Statement Review and Approval. – Reserve Account Review / Funding
– Budget Review and Discussions
– A/R Review

– Review of projects from previous meeting
– Building Condition and Issues –
– Landscaping (irrigation, new/replacement plants) – Exterior Lighting

– Member Needs and Observations/Open Forum – Additional Emergency Contact

November Board Meeting

November 20, 2019 – 6:30 PM Meeting Club Room


– Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
– Actions and Approvals Taken by the Board of Directors without a Meeting

– Bank Statement Review and Approval. – Reserve Account Review / Funding
– Budget Review and Discussions
– A/R Review

– Review of projects from previous meeting
– Building Condition and Issues –
– Landscaping (irrigation, new/replacement plants) – Exterior Lighting
– Fireplaces

– Member Needs and Observations/Open Forum – Additional Emergency Contact
– New janitorial contract