Owners: Warning Letters Going Out for NOT Trimming Trees and Bushes Off Buildings

Many homeowners have done the requested trimming, and we thank you. For those of you that have not yet done it, you can expect a warning letter to be followed by hearing letter and fines, if required. We hope we don’t have to do that, but the trimming must be completed so the community can be painted.

The HOA is preparing to paint the buildings, so all trees and bushes must have enough space for the painter to get in there and paint. Tree branches should be trimmed 2 to 3 feet away from the buildings, and bushes should never be allowed to grow directly on the stucco or siding. If you have ever pulled a vine off a stucco wall, you know the scar that is left by the roots which dig into the walls. Thank you in advance for being proactive and getting the trimming done as soon as possible.

More Pest Control Bait Stations Added to Help Control Rodents

The Board has approved two additional bait stations to be added in areas where there has been a report of increased rodent activity in the community. In addition, bait station usage is being monitored to determine where there is high and low use of the bait. Stations that show low usage will be moved to areas where usage is high to speed the elimination of the rodent population.

The Board has approved the landscaping company to mow the ivy early this year to ensure they do not provide a home for rodents to hide in. The Board has nearly completed the trimming of the community trees to ensure there is adequate clearance from the buildings, and homeowners are completing their tree trimming as well. All identified vent screen repairs have been completed, so if you see a damaged vent screen, please notify Cityscape Property Management so we can get it repaired.

Providing Member Contact Information is not only a Good Idea, it is a Requirement

When there is an emergency, having the contact information for the owner and residents is critical. Basic information such as phone numbers helps the Management Company to contact neighbors when there is a fire or a flood. The California legislature felt so strongly about this, that they made it a requirement for owners to submit their contact information on an annual basis. Please submit the owner information form that was sent to all owners so we can provide you better service. You can also get a new copy of the form at CaminoDelPrado.org/forms. The information will be kept confidentially in our company database.